Kelly Foulk

Hello there!

My name's Kelly and welcome to my first ever website. Eventually this site will be a fully fleshed out resume; however, for now it includes information about my travels, my education and my future vision as of December 2019.

For now it's mainly a sample of my coding capabilities- most of the writing is fluff. I've used CSS for the base style, to make the website mobile friendly (there are three different versions of the site depending on your window size), to make the header sticky, and to create floats. I used html to add and organize the content. I used JavaScript event listeners to create the read more/read less feature in the two float sections. Enjoy!


Standing in front of Doak Campbell Stadium before graduation.

Spring 2019 I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida State University with a B.S. in International Relations. I concentrated in Spanish and economics. I will potentially head to grad school in a few years to continue my studies with a MBA or a Masters of Economics. However, just because I have graduated doesn't mean I've stopped learning...


Exploring the Grand Canyon during a cross-country RV trip.

The main focus of my life up till now. I have traveled extensively through mainland USA as well as to some European and Central American countries. I plan to continue traveling and expanding my horizons in the coming years...

The Future

I hope to find a career that combines my love for travel and building relationships with my desire to constantly learn and be challenged. I've loved learning Front End Development these past few months and based off this I'd love to find a career in technology. I'm currently exploring work as a solutions architect or in business development.

My goal is to find a career where I am helping to make the world a better place, but that also is intellectually stimulating and challenging. I plan to be surrounded by a diverse team of passionate and motivated individuals. I want to work for a company that has the same enthusiasm for learning and out-of-the box thinking that I do.